Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The end

The people in the pub at Bowness-on-Solway were really nice to us. They even gave us a ride to Carlisle.

From Carlisle we took a train to Kendale, a nice small town in the lake district. We're continuing to Liverpool tomorrow, and from there we are going home.

We think themed walks like the one we've just done will be the future in tourism. A lot of people say they like travelling, but what they often do is to fly to some place and stay there for a while, before they go back. In my opinion that is not traveling. It is transporting. To travel properly, you have to have the time to appreciate the surroundings you travel through, leaving motorized transportation out of the question. Furthermore, arriving somewhere when you have used your own power, makes you appreciate the place more.

Well, that was todays philosophical speech. Unfortunately we do not have the time to travel back home, we'll have to be transported.

Thanks for reading this blog!


Blogger alex said...

Although the work of displacement must be held mainly responsible if the dream thoughts are not refound or recognized in the dream content (unless the motive of the changes be guessed), it is another and milder kind of transformation which will be considered with the glyburide dream thoughts which leads to the discovery of a new but readily understood act of the dream work.. Dickens, a white choker, that in the happy retreat of my own dressing-gowns and jackets my days went by as happily and digoxin cheaply as those of another Thalaba.. And your business with me at present is--is---- My pizziness! ejaculated the thing, vy vat a low-bred puppy you mos pe vor to ask a gentleman und an angel apout his pizziness! This language was rather more than I could bear, even from an angel; so, plucking up courage, I seized a salt-cellar which lay within reach, and hurled it at the head of the intruder. bextra. This was no time for amoxicillin fastidiousness.. Fo' year ago a railroad come along and staht a actos town slam ag'inst my lan', and, suh, Mars' Pendleton, Uncle Mose am worth leb'm thousand dollars in money, property, and lan'.. I will ask you zantac to leave the room, sir.. Has he been paid for actos bringing you here? asked Mrs.. He thought of his watch and other contents of his pockets, but there was no alprazolam place to put them, so he gave them no more consideration.. Don't be content to stay in the nasonex primary school just because it is easy.. Head her to that clump oxycodone of trees on the other side; the bank is lower there, and we can beach her.. II THE DREAM MECHANISM We are compelled to assume that such transformation of scene has also taken place in intricate propranolol dreams, though we do not know whether it has encountered any possible desire.. As she sat with folded hands her eyes fell upon--what? zocor The pink bonnet with the blue plume! It may appear strange to those who do not understand such natures, but to me her next action was perfectly natural.. But our experience this session led me celexa to think, that if, by some such general understanding as the reports speak of in legislation daily, every member of Congress might leave a double to sit through those deadly sessions and answer to roll-calls and do the legitimate party-voting, which appears stereotyped in the regular list of Ashe, Bocock, Black, etc.. I'd 'a' been willin' to let accounts keep on a-runnin', knowin' what a straightforrards sort o' man you was. magnesium. We believe that a certain sum of excitement, which we call occupation energy, is displaced from an end-presentation along toprol the association paths selected by that end-presentation...

5:02 AM  

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